To Enlarge:

To enlarge the picture, just click on the actual photo and it will be MUCH bigger! (I just figured this out!)

Friday, November 27, 2009

All finished in the nick of time!

Well, The advent calendar is finished and I am so excited to get it filled up with special poems, treats, activities and Bible verses. I am going to do a mixture of things, a conglomerate of ideas that I have gleaned from other people. Joshua said, "It looks beautiful Mama!" He does not quite know the purpose yet!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Advent Calendar: The next phase

The squares are completed, now on the next step: attaching them to the tree!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Latest Project:: Advent Calendar

Okay, I realize as I logged on that it has been a year since I last posted here!! Just passed Joshua's 5th birthday!! YIKES!

Oh well, here is my latest project that I thought would be fun to share. A Christmas tree advent calendar.

This is the idea, which came from Pottery Barn.

Close up. And following are my finished 'pockets'.