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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So I got a flyer in the mail with this really cool bedding advertised. I dreamt about if for weeks. I kept it and hung it on the wall, but we just could not afford this pretty stuff. I went to the store and looked at it, and indeed it was as cute in real life, as it was in the flyer. Then I spotted a set of sheets in the same base color, and my mind began to work. I thought, "I can replicate this, I think!" So when I got a gift card for my birthday, I went for it!! I bought the sheets, some pillows and one of the pillows from the flyer to use as my 'guide', (which I returned afterwards for a refund) And voila!!! I changed the idea a little, but I think that I like it this way. I may change my mind later, but for now I am not going to paint the comforter. My bedding is exactly the same color as the one in the first flyer picture, not sure why it does not show up that way in the photo?!

The flyer picture. So springy and fresh looking.

My version.

Better 'color' in this pic.